Teacher 2.0 Affiliate Support Page

The Teacher 2.0 Affiliate support page equips partners with resources to effectively promote an online course that empowers educators with innovative teaching techniques.

Teacher 2.0 Affiliate Support Page

Program Overview for Affiliates

Teacher 2.0 – ‘Become an Innovative Educator Course’ is not just another online course; it’s a gateway to revolutionizing the approach to teaching.

Imagine unlocking the secrets to captivating classrooms, where every lesson sparks curiosity and engagement.

This course is the ticket to mastering cutting-edge teaching techniques that breathe life into learning, empowering teachers to inspire and empower their students like never before.

From dynamic lesson planning to leveraging technology in the classroom, this course equips teachers with the tools and strategies they need to thrive in today’s educational landscape.

It’s only for those who are ready to redefine the education system.

Teacher 2.0 is a comprehensive online video course delivered electronically through the Thinkific platform. This means the buyers can access the course materials anytime, anywhere, and at their own pace.

For only $95, they will get:

  • 56 video lessons (9 hours) packed with practical guidance
  • 6 quizzes to solidify your learning
  • 3 assignments to put your skills into action
  • 4 downloadable resources for ongoing reference
  • Certificate of achievement if they complete 100% of the course and do all the assignments and tasks…

Affiliate Commision

I really want you to become my partner, so I am offering a 50% affiliate commission, so we can have a long and prosperous cooperation.

The course is priced at $95, and as an affiliate, you’ll receive a commission of 50%, equating to $47.5 for every sale you refer.

Target Audience

This course is designed for educators at all stages of their careers, including:

  • New teachers feeling overwhelmed or unsure how to create engaging lessons.
  • Experienced educators looking for fresh ideas to revitalize their teaching methods.
  • Online instructors seeking to develop dynamic and interactive courses.
  • Educational leaders searching for innovative approaches to improve student learning.

Benefits for Educators

Theacer 2.0 – ‘Become an Innovative Educator Course’ will empower teachers with cutting-edge teaching strategies, ignite their creativity, and equip them to inspire and engage their students like never before.

It’s the pathway to becoming a dynamic educator who leaves a lasting impact in the classroom.

Here’s where Teacher 2.0 truly shines:

  • Engaging Students: The course equips educators with “Agile Teaching Techniques” inspired by the world of software development. These techniques help teachers create lessons that are:
    • Interactive and engaging: Move away from boring lectures and capture student attention with creative methods.
    • Effective: Master classroom management with confidence and cultivate a positive learning environment.
    • Adaptable: Learn to adjust lessons on the fly, responding to student needs and classroom dynamics in real time.
  • Actionable Strategies: The course goes beyond theory, providing educators with practical tools and techniques they can implement immediately in their classrooms.
  • Supportive Community: Enrollments include access to a vibrant online community of educators where participants can share experiences, ask questions, and support each other’s growth.

Benefits for Students

  • Foster a growth mindset: Students develop resilience and a love of learning by approaching challenges as opportunities for improvement.
  • Encourage active learning: Regular feedback and collaborative activities lead to deeper understanding and improved performance.
  • Provide meaningful project work: Students develop critical thinking and creativity through engaging projects.
  • Cultivate a supportive environment: Students experience social-emotional growth and a sense of belonging in a positive learning community.
  • Develop leadership skills: Communication, teamwork, and other essential leadership skills are fostered for academic and personal success.

Requirements for course participants

No prior knowledge of Agile and Scrum is required. Participants should have a background or interest in education and a willingness to explore innovative teaching and learning methods.

Prerequisites for affiliate partners

Basic Requirements:

  • Website or Established Online Presence: Affiliates should have a website, blog, or active social media presence relevant to the education sector (teachers, parents, educational resources). This establishes a foundation for promoting the course.
  • Understanding of Affiliate Marketing: A basic grasp of affiliate marketing principles is essential. While in-depth digital marketing knowledge isn’t required, affiliates should understand how to promote products through affiliate links and track their performance.
  • Passion for Education: I am looking for affiliates who are genuinely interested in improving educational outcomes. Their passion will translate into more compelling and impactful promotions.

Optional (But Encouraged) Considerations:

  • Audience Alignment: The best affiliates will be the Teacher 2.0’s students (e.g., educators).
  • Content Creation Experience: Affiliates with a history of creating informative and engaging content (blog posts, social media graphics, videos) are more likely to effectively promote the course.
  • Affiliate Marketing Track Record: Affiliates who have demonstrably achieved success with other affiliate programs. 

Key Selling Points for Your Promotions:

  • Tired or Boring Teachers? Teacher 2.0 ignites passion and engagement!
  • Struggling with Classroom Management? Master proven techniques for a thriving learning environment.
  • Uninspired Lessons? Discover innovative teaching methods that keep students excited.
  • Online Instructors? Build dynamic and interactive courses with Teacher 2.0.
  • Risk-Free Guarantee: A 100% money-back guarantee ensures satisfaction.

Remember, you don’t need to be an education expert to promote Teacher 2.0! Focus on the benefits for educators, how the course helps them overcome common challenges, and the ease of access to the online format.

By highlighting these key points, you can effectively promote Teacher 2.0 to your audience and help them connect educators with a valuable resource to transform their teaching practices.

Features of the Course

  • High-Quality Content: Immerse yourself in a wealth of high-quality content that is meticulously crafted, ensuring its relevance and clarity. Our course presents the material in a well-organized manner, making it easy for you to follow along and grasp the concepts with ease.
  • Expert Instructor: Learn from an industry expert who is not only passionate about teaching but also possesses a deep understanding of the subject matter.
  • Interactive Learning: Say goodbye to passive learning and hello to interactive experiences. This course encourages active participation, allowing you to fully engage with the material. Through quizzes, discussions, and projects, you’ll have the opportunity to apply what you’ve learned, reinforcing your understanding and skills.
  • The ‘Become an Innovative Educator Course’ offers a transformative toolbox of revolutionary teaching techniques, hands-on learning experiences, and practical tools tailored to elevate your teaching to new heights. It’s your comprehensive guide to unlocking your full potential and revolutionizing your approach to education.

Content Creation Inspiration for Teacher 2.0 Affiliates

Focus on Student Benefits (By focusing on the positive impact on students and using these content creation tips, Teacher 2.0 affiliates can effectively promote the course and help educators transform their classrooms for the benefit of all.)

Remember, affiliates don’t need to be education experts. Highlight the positive impact Teacher 2.0 has on students.

Content Ideas

Blog Posts:

  • “5 Ways Innovative Teaching Techniques Can Help Students Thrive”
  • “How to Spark a Love of Learning in Your Child (It Starts with the Teacher!)”
  • “The Importance of Fostering a Growth Mindset in Students”

Social Media Posts:

  • Share a statistic about the benefits of active learning (e.g., “Active learning increases student retention by 50%!”).
  • Ask a question to spark engagement (e.g., “Does your child dread homework? Innovative teaching techniques can make learning fun!”).
  • Create a short video showcasing engaging classroom activities inspired by Teacher 2.0.

Website Content & Guest Posts:

  • “Teacher Burnout: Signs, Strategies, and How Innovative Teaching Can Help”: Address a common teacher concern and showcase how Teacher 2.0 empowers educators to combat burnout while creating engaging classrooms.
  • “Beyond Lectures: Engaging Activities for Different Learning Styles”: Provide practical tips and activities inspired by Teacher 2.0 that cater to diverse learning styles, keeping all students engaged.
  • “The Power of Collaboration: How Teacher 2.0 Fosters Teamwork in the Classroom”: Highlight the importance of collaboration in learning and showcase how the course equips teachers to create collaborative learning environments.

Social Media Engagement:

  • Post a Poll: Ask followers a question related to classroom challenges, then use the results to create targeted content (e.g., “What’s your biggest struggle with classroom management? A) Engaging activities, B) Student behavior, C) Time constraints”).
  • Run a Giveaway: Partner with another education-related brand to offer a giveaway relevant to teachers (e.g., educational resources, classroom supplies) and require following both accounts and mentioning Teacher 2.0 in the comments for entry.
  • Share Inspirational Quotes: Find and share quotes from educational experts or successful teachers who emphasize the importance of innovative teaching methods.

Email Marketing:

  • Share a short success story of a student who thrived in a classroom using innovative teaching methods.
  • Offer a free downloadable resource on fostering a growth mindset in students.

Finding Inspiration for Content

  • Teacher 2.0 Resources: Review the course materials, website copy, and the “What You’ll Learn” section for key points and benefits.
  • Educational Websites & Blogs: Find reputable sources on education trends, innovative teaching methods, and student success.
  • Social Media Groups: Join Facebook groups or online communities for parents and educators to understand their concerns and needs.
  • Current Events: Tie Teacher 2.0 to current educational topics, like the importance of social-emotional learning or preparing students for the future workforce.

Additional Tips:

  • Keep it concise and engaging. People are busy, so keep your content short, visually appealing, and easy to understand.
  • Use visuals. Infographics, images, and videos can grab attention and make your content more memorable.
  • Target your audience. Tailor your content to the specific needs and interests of your audience (e.g., parents of elementary school children vs. teachers).
  • Provide a call to action. Tell your audience what you want them to do next, whether it’s visiting the Teacher 2.0 website, learning more about the course, or signing up for your email list.

By focusing on the positive impact on students and using these content creation tips, Teacher 2.0 affiliates can effectively promote the course and help educators transform their classrooms for the benefit of all.

Promoting Teacher 2.0: Strategies & Channels

Here are some ideas on how and where you and your affiliates can promote the Teacher 2.0 course:

Content Marketing:

YouTube/Rumble/TikTok Reviews or Introductions: Do it yourself or Partner with educational YouTubers to create review videos highlighting the course’s benefits.

Blog Posts (Substack, Medium, Reddit, Facebook, Blogger, WordPress, LinkedIn…): Create blog posts targeted at educators that address common teaching challenges. Showcase how Teacher 2.0 offers solutions.

Articles: Guest posts on education-related websites, blogs, or forums, offering valuable teaching tips and mentioning Teacher 2.0 as a resource for further learning.

Infographics: Develop infographics that visually represent key teaching techniques or benefits of Agile Teaching.

Social Media: Regularly share engaging content on social media platforms like Facebook, Facebook Groups, LinkedIn, LinkedIn Groups, Reddit, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Quora, Threads, Gab, and Truth Social… Use relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience. Use tools such as Canva to create outstanding visuals with short tips on how to solve teaching problems…

Targeted Websites: Reach out to education bloggers, curriculum developers, and online communities for educators to promote Teacher 2.0 through affiliate links.

Email Marketing: Begin constructing an email list comprising educators, teachers, and instructors. You can kick off this process for free by utilizing tools such as Mailerlite and Mailchimp. Offer them a complimentary report or ebook in exchange for their email address. Then start sending them targeted campaigns promoting Teacher 2.0. (but make sure in each email you are providing a value first!!!)

Social Media Ads: Run targeted social media ad campaigns to reach educators on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Consider pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on search engines like Google and Bing using keywords relevant to teacher training and innovative teaching methods.

Teacher 2.0 Affiliate Do's and Don'ts:


Please be aware that failure to adhere to the rules outlined below will result in the termination of our affiliate partnership. This will render your affiliate links invalid, and you will not receive any commission for future sales generated through your promotions.

Therefore, it’s crucial that you maintain honesty and integrity in your role as an affiliate partner.


  1. Focus on Student Benefits: Highlight the positive impact Teacher 2.0 has on students, such as fostering a growth mindset, encouraging active learning, and developing essential skills.
  2. Create High-Quality Content: Use Your Imagination to develop blog posts, social media content, email marketing campaigns, or even short videos that are informative, engaging, and visually appealing.
  3. Target the Right Audience: Tailor your content to the specific needs and interests of your audience. Consider parents of young students, educators at different stages of their career, or those interested in online learning.
  4. Be Transparent: Disclose your affiliate relationship with Teacher 2.0 clearly and honestly.
  5. Use Provided Resources: Leverage the resources offered by Teacher 2.0, such as details on the sales page, Blog, YouTube Channel, promotional lectures, and affiliate links.
  6. Track Your Results: Monitor the performance of your promotional efforts and adjust your strategies as needed.


  1. Make Misleading Claims: Do not exaggerate the benefits of Teacher 2.0 or make unrealistic promises about student outcomes. Stay truthful and focus on the course’s genuine strengths.
  2. Spam: Avoid spamming email lists, social media groups, or online communities with unsolicited promotions.
  3. Copyrighted Material: Don’t use copyrighted materials from Teacher 2.0 or other sources without proper permission.
  4. Negative Targeting: Refrain from making negative comments about competing courses or traditional teaching methods. Focus on the positive aspects of Teacher 2.0.
  5. Guaranteed Results: Don’t guarantee specific results for students taking the course. Learning outcomes can vary depending on individual effort and implementation.
  6. False Scarcity: Don’t use tactics like “limited-time offers” unless there’s a genuine time-bound promotion from Teacher 2.0.

Are You Ready to START?

By promoting this innovative course, you’re not just earning a commission, you’re directly contributing to the transformation of education and empowering educators to ignite a passion for learning in their students.

Your dedication to spreading the word will make a real difference in countless lives.

Together, let’s create a generation of passionate learners and inspired educators!

Let’s go!